BLG assists North Carolina counsel in reaching highly favorable settlement during North Carolina UM Trial
April 21, 2012Allstate recently requested that Board Certified Trial Attorney Dale Parker assist local defense counsel with a trial in North Carolina involving a UM claim. Although the accident itself occurred in North Carolina , the policy was issued in Florida, and the plaintiff resided and treated in Florida.
The Plaintiff was a pediatrician and alleged having sustained two herniated discs at L5-S1 and C6-7 as a result of the accident. Her surgeon recommended both cervical and lumbar surgeries. The plaintiff also claimed that she gave up a $100,000/year medical services contract because of her injuries.
Banker Lopez Gassler P.A. co-counseled with North Carolina counsel to defend and discover the case. Mr. Parker handled the Florida video depositions of the local physicians, witnesses and experts to be shown at trial. Based upon the defenses raised at the video depositions, the case settled early in the trial on terms very favorable to our client.